Darkness Light in Studio

Darkness Light, a new Augsburg rock project, records and produces the new album at Open Eyes Dreams Studio.
The band has been working on new material since 2011, unfortunately with large interruptions caused by band members other musical/contractual obligations.
All recordings, editing, mixing and production steps are done in our studio. Additionally the album art work and the marketing/launch activities are prepared by our staff.
Thanks, we hope too 🙂 see:
I listen some tracks of the album and it sounds extraordinary. I also listen Cristian playing to guitar and I liked a lot. He is doing a very good team with Dixie, which is known for his bass and vocal.
I am looking forward the new album to be launched. I think will be a great success.
will be the album released this year? I meet Cristian in February 2013 and had the privilege to listen to, if I remember right, 9 tracks of the of the album; at that stage of the production and to my taste was amazing.
we don’t know the answer yet. Cristian has recorded in studio promotional music, some new guitar solos and currently prepares a new pedal board for future recordings but no new album work scheduled yet. asap public info available, we will add to this blog
Alin, you may contact & follow Cristian thru Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cristian.bettendorf
We share very sad news: the work for this album was interrupted in March 2013 due external conditions not under band members or our control. Sometimes our life is governed by things which nobody can control. We can only fight for the best.
We hope that this entire nightmare will have a positive end and the band will have the power and energy to return in the studio and finalize the great and mostly already finished work.